This blog is a record of my learning from Glen Innes School in Auckland, New Zealand through to Tamaki College.
Why did u post this
Talk to me
He must be a good friend
Nice to write about your friend william
oh that is so kind of you to your friend lucky
that is cool
that is a cool
lucky you famous now so are you william
I know
What a joker
i like this how you are a great friend
Yous are good friends.
Why did u post this
Talk to me
He must be a good friend
Nice to write about your friend william
Nice to write about your friend william
oh that is so kind of you to your friend lucky
oh that is so kind of you to your friend lucky
that is cool
that is a cool
lucky you famous now so are you william
I know
What a joker
i like this how you are a great friend
Yous are good friends.
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